Sjuklighet är en mänsklig realitet, det vill säga en av människans grundläggande impulser. Det har att göra med den instinktiva delen och är en del av alla behov, till exempel: äta, ha sexuella relationer, umgås, sova, bland andra.
Some studies carried out at Wake Forest University have shown that morbid interest has always been present in our brain. That is why morbidity is something that can be defined as a need of people, something they need to have or do.
Denna känsla är en slags kraft som driver människor att komma i kontakt med den och får dem att uppleva njutning när de gör det. Njutningen av att göra något förbjudet eller bryta mot reglerna.
Morbiditet har olika sätt att uttrycka sig, bland annat genom pornografi; att titta på denna typ av innehåll tillfredsställer människors nyfikenhet, men låter dem också ta ett steg bortom vanliga sexuella relationer. Det är därför ANBIGUO är född, det första varumärket som är utformat för sexuell morbiditet utan gränser!
Där det förbjudna börjar finns sjuklighet och tvetydighet. Utan etiketter, utan begränsningar och med mycket passion har vi utvecklat det här varumärket.
AMADEUS is the perfect plug for anal and vaginal stimulation from low to intense vibration. Discreet, powerful and incredibly smooth. Contoured exclusively for the Anal or vaginal area and that you play all your pleasure points. Its extra layer of velvety silicone is an addition for anal sex.
AMADEUS is doubly stimulating, it incorporates rotating beads on its main axis that add more excitement and pleasure.
Denna vibrator är tillverkad av flexibel medicinsk silikon och kan placeras bekvämt och mjukt på huden. Det speciella med denna sexuella välbefinnandeprodukt är den trådlösa fjärrkontrollen, med vilken du enkelt kan styra njutningen från klockan utan att behöva bryta upphetsningstillståndet. Du kan välja mellan 7 spännande vibrationsprogram med olika grader av intensitet.
- Mjukt pulserande frekvensvibrator
- Measures; 15.5 x 3.1cm
- Silikon av medicinsk kvalitet
- Rechargeable via included magnetic charger
- 7 Vibrationsmodi
- Intensity control in each vibration mode
- Fjärrstyrd klocka WATCHME-teknik
- Konturerad för att exakt stimulera dina njutningspunkter
- Lämplig för inre och yttre stimulering.
- 100% waterproof for easy cleaning and hotter than hot baths IPX7 rating
- 100% vegansk vibrator
What should we take into account when using AMADEUS?
Always use enough water-based lubricant (for example the AQUA brand) to make the pleasure experience as exciting and pleasant as possible. The delicate silicone feels pleasant on the skin thanks to its soft, spongy surface. In addition, AMADEUS is easy to clean thanks to its materials: A little warm water and soap are enough for cleaning, and a few sprays of the toy cleaner provide complete hygiene, so you can start the next adventure right away!
If you think that having a smart sex watch is not necessary because with a normal remote control you achieve your goals, you are wrong. In this article we will explain some benefits that WATCHME technology will bring you.
What is a WATCHME watch?
It is a sexual smart watch that will help you control the top sex toys. We can synchronize them with sex toys that use watchme technology to control the vibrations and functions of our favorite sex toy.
Funktionerna hos en WATCHME-klocka
I en WATCHME-klocka finns det några enastående funktioner som vi kommer att beskriva:
- Aktivera/avaktivera vibration.
- Modifiera vibrationslägen
- Modifiera intensiteten i varje vibrationsläge.
For years we have seen thousands of sex toys use a remote control, this has always allowed you to play in a fun way with your partner or alone using a remote control to give pleasure from a distance. It is very pleasant to use a remote control, however, with Watchme we have gone one step further in the convenience and comfort of the sexual act.
Why use the WATCHME watch?
We explain the main reasons that will make you think about using a remote control in the form of a watch.
When we practice sexual intercourse, we are focused on giving and receiving pleasure. When using remote control toys we sometimes lose control between the sheets. With Watchme this will not happen, the watch will always be reachable and your focus will only be giving or receiving pleasure.
When we use the remote control, we want it to be as discreet as possible, to go completely unnoticed. In recent years we have seen the advancement of smart watches such as Apple Watch or many more. However, when using the watchme watch it will go unnoticed because Now it is very common to look at the watch to check the calories burned, photos, messages, etc. The only difference will be that by looking at watchme will you be controlling your lover’s pleasure or your own, ready for action?
Watchme is a watch made of comfortable soft silicone designed for the advancement of remote control, being the only watch on the market that allows the intensities to be varied in each vibration mode and offering an endless number of vibration modes from soft to strong.
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