It is the most famous and best-selling male masturbator in the world, with half a million units sold and 10 years on the market, in addition to being the only product that has a patent to donate sperm in fertilization clinics.
It has an incredible softness, it is as if you were inserting your penis into a real vagina, of high quality and with a perfect size.
It has a unique and exclusive design since when it is closed, no one would imagine that it could be a male masturbator.
The interior route of the masturbator adapts perfectly to the penis to achieve a greater sensation of pleasure. In addition, its interior gives off a very pleasant vanilla smell.
- Textured interior.
Fleshlight® is 100% safe and very easy to use and clean.
Using Fleshlight® frequently, you will strengthen your erections and increase the strength of the penis, due to the training of the tissues of the member. You will notice an improvement in a few months.
Den har ett praktiskt lock för att kunna förvaras och skyddas när den har använts.
Passar alla penisstorlekar.
Våga upptäcka den andra sidan av onani.
Live new sensations!
Fleshlight® är världsledande inom tillverkning av manliga masturbatorer som använder formar av riktiga människor, dess stora kvaliteter och kvaliteter har gett upphov till ett varumärke designat för män och deras unika nöje i världen!!!
Det finns inga recensioner än.