The Adicted Toy masturbator
Adicted Toys presents three perfect masturbators to use alone, as a couple or take them with you anywhere, made of TPR they increase the sensation of pleasure, increasing well-being in male masturbation.
Masturbation continues to be appreciated in some societies as something immoral and harmful. In fact, it is an almost forbidden topic, which is hardly discussed in meetings and is reserved for intimate matters. Nor should we overlook some of the urban legends that circulated around male masturbation: that it caused sterility, blindness or the appearance of pimples. However, it is The technique produces pleasure and relaxation, among other things. Next, we show you the 5 benefits of male masturbation.
- Avoid prostate cancer
Prostatacancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland män över 70 år. Faktum är att den ökar, vilket framgår av att den redan står för 12% av de nya cancerfall som upptäcks i Europa.
Various research has revealed that frequent emptying of the prostate gland, something that is obtained through ejaculation, can prevent the appearance of prostate cancer. Some studies claim that those who masturbate more than five times a week have a 30% lower chance of developing a prostate tumor.
- Naturligt avslappnande medel
The most common options to relax are lime blossom, reading, yoga or even pills. But thanks to masturbation we can also obtain this quality, in addition to allowing us to end insomnia. When reaching orgasm, the man’s brain secretes hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin, which are associated with sleep.
- Mer fertilitet
Contrary to what is often thought, masturbation does not affect the quality of semen. Quite the opposite, since what it actually achieves is improving the mobility of sperm. This is so since through ejaculation the residual sperm are released, making the new ones that come out healthier and younger.
- Förebyggande av infektioner
Vid varje ejakulation stöts bakterier ut. Därför rengörs ejakulationskanalerna, vilket förhindrar att en infektion utvecklas. Men förutom att märka det i könsorganen kommer du också att märka det i andra delar av kroppen.
- Increases happiness
När vi onanerar utsöndrar vi en rad hormoner som dopamin och oxytocin, som är förknippade med lyckonivåer. Hjärnkretsarna för tillfredsställelse aktiveras, vilket förbättrar humör och lycka.
Instruktioner för användning:
Before use, apply a water-based lubricant without parabens such as the Waterfeel or Nina Kikí brand.
After use, if ejaculation has not occurred inside, clean it with neutral pH soap and warm water, if ejaculation has occurred inside, remove the sleeve, place it under the water and clean it with neutral pH soap, let it dry and it will be ready. ready for use again.
- Vagina Shape.
- Material; Halalfri TPR
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